Hello, Words!
I’m starting this blog to work on two personal goals:
1) Improve my writing: I want to write faster, clearer, conciser, and more compelling. Why?
- Words can inspire, persuade and change the world.
- Writing clarifies my thinking and sharpens my mind.
- Writing builds muscle memory to communicate complex ideas, spoken and written.
- Clear communicating is a crucial skill for leaders and remote workers.
- Good writing is good design.
- Words can help capture and attain people’s attention.
2) I want to share my ideas, thoughts, feelings and insights. Why?
- To keep a public record of thoughts and brain dumps to reflect on.
- I’ve got things to share that might be helpful to people.
- A blog builds credibility and authority.
- This blog will hold me accountable to write more.
You can expect to read about things I spend most of my time doing and thinking about:
- design, product, and strategy,
- being the only designer at a small company,
- digs at real-life designs,
- friction logging,
- parenting and family life,
- martial arts,
- self-development,
- and other random subjects.